All schools have vision and mission statements. Vision is what a school aspires to. Mission is how they achieve these ideals. These are the ideas around which schools plan their learning experiences. Our vision and mission statements complement the IB mission statement because NBHIS follows IB education philosophy. As part of the Huamao Education family, we respect the leadership and dreams Huamao has achieved in education, as our history shapes our present.

NBHIS Vision:
Resilient, empathetic, communal, curious learners leading change for a better world, through responsible problem solving and critical thinking.

NBHIS Mission:
NBHIS educates curious, tolerant, ambitious learners, to reflect on their choices and accept difference with justice and compassion. Respect for themselves and others’ varied cultural understandings invites safe, transparent expression in our ever-developing community .
Local involvement, sustainable service, and student agency in our programmes imbue the confidence to be life-long learners, and creative communal problem-solvers.
NBHIS 使命宣言: