The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTA) at Huamao International School is a non-profit organization. It has been created to help the members of our community build stronger relationships and offer an opportunity for our parents to be more involved in the life of the school. You are automatically a member of the PTA through sending your child to Huamao International School, however we would like to create a PTA Board of members who will be responsible for coordinating events and keeping the parents, teachers, and students up to speed with upcoming events and important information.

Our goal is to create a friendly and co-operative environment throughout the school and to encourage better communication. We hope that parents, teachers and students can work together to take on projects to improve the school’s environment. Different ideas and activities that can further enhance our school’s environment and facilities can be proposed at these weekly meetings. We would like to work democratically, therefore we will encourage votes to be held to see which projects and events are approved.

The PTA meets once every other month in the 2nd Floor Staff Room. Teachers, students, and parents are welcome to attend these meetings freely and board members will be asked to attend regularly.

If you are interested in being on the PTA board please send an email to