Words of a parent

Recently, I went to my kid’s school, and the Principal Cheryl asked me to give some feedback on my son, who studied in Hua Mao for 4 years, from junior to senior. At his young age, he left Huamao with many memories and thoughts. What is youth? Youth fulfills the taste of rebel and hormones. And what is feeling? When one trembles with fear, heart quakes with depression or happiness.

During that period of my son’s study, I’m the person who went to school very often. Even the school guards and school cleaners knew me very well. Based on the comments from teachers and parents, I was told, “We do not have to doubt the ability of students to learn, they’re just the good kids who step in unusual ways.” As we all know, it never rains but it pours, sometimes, as parents, we cannot afford all, and even our children are almost driving us nuts. “Troubled” students, from school president to class teachers, do not give up, but try their best to guide, help and inspire. I can’t remember how many times we sat together to persuade, how many times to chat like friends. Up to now, I have appreciated to their support. It can be hardly imagined if school and teachers had given up, what will happen now?

A principal in an American high school thinks that, the roles of parents are more to provide children a good developing environment, and a space to fulfill themselves; parents also need to give them feedback at times when children need help. Maybe, we had wrong understanding of the family educational mission before, we hope children have a bright future, and always like to manage their lives.

In Huamao, there are no thoughts of good or bad students, they only identify the difference of characters and study abilities. The school teaches students to – “Accept differences, offer options, cultivate potential, encourage diversity”    and we obeyed and saved a green child.

Today, In Ningbo, the city located on the East China Sea, and opposite of Pacific Ocean, a young boy has grown into an excellent student who can embrace a bigger future. As a parents and teachers, we are proud of how he made great success on his academics by gaining a scholarship to university and achieving the honours programme there. I do not know how far that he can travel on his road, but send good wishes to him: happy life and learning, health, and learn how to thank others and to tolerance difference.